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  • Featured image for “Family Offices: An Alternative to VC for Backing Growth Companies”

    Family Offices: An Alternative to VC for Backing Growth Companies

    The rise of family offices as a significant alternative to venture capital in backing growth companies reflects a fundamental shift…

    Simon Roderick

    Featured image for “Essential Skills VCs Seek in Investment Managers”

    Essential Skills VCs Seek in Investment Managers

    We were very busy in 2022 helping firms hire Investment Managers and Directors. It’s always been a desirable career, but…

    Simon Roderick

    Featured image for “Why aren’t black founders receiving more venture capital investment?”

    Why aren’t black founders receiving more venture capital investment?

    Research has shown that Black entrepreneurs receive less capital and less favourable terms than their white counterparts, even when they…

    Simon Roderick

    Featured image for “Female founders receive less venture capital funding – why is this?”

    Female founders receive less venture capital funding – why is this?

    Studies have shown that female-founded startups receive less VC funding compared to their male-founded counterparts. In this article, we will…

    Simon Roderick

    Featured image for “What is the outlook for the private equity industry in 2023?”

    What is the outlook for the private equity industry in 2023?

    The private equity industry in the United Kingdom has seen significant growth in recent years, and the outlook for 2023…

    Simon Roderick

    Featured image for “What’s happening in VC?”

    What’s happening in VC?

    Whilst many hirers like a traditional route into VC, firms are broadening their horizons to those have taken a less…

    Simon Roderick

    Featured image for “Investment Banker or Private Equity Professional – a fork in the road”

    Investment Banker or Private Equity Professional – a fork in the road

    Investment banking is seeing a particularly acute war on talent, with an increasing number of analysts and associates drawn to…

    Simon Roderick

    Featured image for “Interview with Hugi Clarke, Partner at Foresight Group”

    Interview with Hugi Clarke, Partner at Foresight Group

    Next in our popular series of interviews with industry leaders is a fascinating conversation with Hugi Clarke, Partner at leading…

    Fram Search

    Featured image for “Private Equity and Women”

    Private Equity and Women

    An HBR survey focused on venture capital found a dramatic correlation between diversity and financial outcomes. However, whilst It’s clear…

    Simon Roderick

    Featured image for “Market Update: Tax efficient investments”

    Market Update: Tax efficient investments

    On New Years Day this year, I remember reading so many references to the roaring twenties. If the press were…

    Simon Roderick

    Featured image for “Lessons from Private Equity”

    Lessons from Private Equity

    I recently read a report from The British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA), in association with PWC, that…

    Simon Roderick