Investment Professionals & Front Office Recruitment

Fram has a long track of placing individuals and teams into Investment & Front Office roles. We understand the effect a high-quality hire can have on the revenue generation of a firm. Headed by our most experienced Consultants, we utilise our strong networks and research to generate top talent in the market within a timely manner. Our core markets for investment and front office roles are investment management, private equity & venture capital, and investment banking.

Within investment management we have a track record of placing Investment Managers, Portfolio Managers, Relationship Managers, and Financial Advisers.

Within private equity & venture capital we place Investment Directors and Investment Managers.

Within investment banking our focus is M&A, Corporate Finance, Corporate Development, and Debt Advisory.

Our focus is on experienced hires and our structured process has a track record of helping us to identify, attract, and screen high performing industry professionals. We work on both a contingent and retained basis.

We have placed people in almost every corner of the UK, including London, Liverpool, Northwest, South Coast, Ipswich, Norfolk, Birmingham, Bristol, Bath, Scotland, Wales and other UK-wide locations.

Case studies & testimonials

Roles covered:

Managing Director/Partner

Chief Investment Officer

Investment Manager

Fund Manager

Relationship Manager




Leveraged & Project Finance

Kelly Biggar - head of wealth and investments

Kelly Biggar

Head of Investments & Advice
[email protected]
07803 210 355
01525 864 372

Simon Roderick - Fram Search

Simon Roderick

Managing Director
[email protected]
01525 864 372
Gayle Waller - Fram Search

Gayle Waller

[email protected]
07864 653 037
01525 864 372

Latest Investment & Wealth Management roles: