Big congratulations to Chloe, who completed the Bedford half-marathon in an impressive 2hrs 32mins on Sunday! (Whilst looking immaculate – doubly impressive…)
Chloe entered the ballot for the London marathon in a moment of madness in April this year. She signed up for the Bedford half-marathon soon after, and since then we’ve been mighty impressed with her transformation from non-runner to running goddess. The office has turned into a forum of questions, namely who has the best Physio/Osteopath, as Chloe suffered a serious case of agonizing shin splints during her training. Though despite the ice baths, sauna’s and numerous physio sessions it turns out just like Cinderella, all she needed was a new pair of super duper (and expensive) running shoes! Her finishing time on Sunday was all the more inspiring, since Chloe only took up running in April. Not only that, but it’s only taken her three days since completing one half-marathon to start looking for her next one.
Chloe will find out if she’s got a place in the London marathon by the end of the month, and we’re all looking forward to cheering for her if she does!
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