Written by Chloe Tillman our, intermediary sales specialist
Well, what a summer! We’d like to say that we are all sitting in the office relaxed and tanned because of the beautiful British sun, but unfortunately we are still sitting hugging cups of tea whilst complaining about the rain. However, when we aren’t moaning about the weather, we are stretching the day as far as we can to accommodate the busy summer we’ve had. The Intermediary Sales desk has been particularly busy this year – and we aren’t complaining! Though, whilst we hoped the busy spell could continue right through August, sadly it tailed off a little towards the end of the month. The weather may not have been hot, but the Intermediary Sales market has been.
It is public knowledge that there have been a fair number of redundancies this summer. It can be a difficult time and one of worry, however, one of the best tips we can give during a redundancy period, is to take your time and weigh up your options. If you have been made redundant and feel disheartened due to knockbacks or lack of market interest, please be aware that the dreaded August month plays a big part in this. It is key that you take your time to assess which move is the best move for you. The most important thing is cultural fit and taking time to identify the type of firm you want to work for, which will hopefully reduce your chances of being led down the “job hopping” path. More so than ever, we’re seeing clients placing more emphasis on finding candidates with stable employment histories.
Encouragingly , there seems to be more than enough demand to absorb the new candidates coming to the market. We’ve had quite a few instances of candidates receiving multiple offers, particularly for field based roles, where the bulk of the demand seems to have been. In fact, we have literally been working on roles covering panels for each region of the UK! With so much demand out there, it is doubly important to really consider just what it is you want from your next employer.
Unfortunately there isn’t any crystal ball that can predict when any of us will be made redundant, and it’s never nice, but it can also be a time of real opportunity.
For more information on current Business Development positions please contact Chloe Tillman on
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