Fram in the news (and elsewhere) – autumn 22

Fram SearchFram in the media, Posts from Fram

Fram in the news - Autumn 22
Fram in the news - Autumn 22

Fram in the news (and elsewhere) – autumn 22

Fram Search
November 18, 2022
Fram Search regularly contributes quotes and insights to articles and features online and in print. Here are some of our recent features, as well as an update on our charitable contributions, and on MD Simon Roderick’s recent outing to University of Westminster.

Lecture at University of Westminster
Management & Marketing students, 16th Nov 22

MD Simon Roderick gave a lecture for management and marketing students at University of Westminster this week, following his successful lecture last year. Some insightful and engaged questions at the end. Hopefully the students enjoyed it as much as he did!

Teenage Cancer Trust - Fram's charity partner

We make a donation to Teenage Cancer Trust for every placement we make, and receiving the thank you letter is easily one of our favourite moments of the month. We have partnered with Teenage Cancer Trust about 8 months now, and are happy to say that our contributions are going up every month. We look forward to continuing supporting this great charity.

Cancer has touched the lives of both our directors, and is a cause close to our hearts.

Kelly Biggar, Head of our wealth management practice gave her thoughts on the year ahead in this article on how many of the City's biggest fund groups intend to push ahead with recruitment, despite economic headwinds.

MD Simon Roderick gave his views in this article on recruitment trends:

Simon said the UK is suffering a “huge” skills shortage and said ever-changing Government policy “doesn’t help”. He added that despite this, “most business leaders have become adept at looking past short-term issues and innovating to pursue growth”.

Teenage Cancer Trust - Fram Search

MD Simon Roderick gave his views in this article on the future of the office:

“If the three ‘R’s of 2021 and 2022 were retirement, resignation, and relocation, the three ‘R’s of 2023 could be returning to the office, recession, and readjustment.”

Another article on the future of work with comments from MD Simon Roderick:

"Hybrid has worked brilliantly for most service-based firms and, given there is still a skills shortage, is a must for most firms' retention strategy," Roderick tells ZDNET.

"Not all sectors will suffer a hard recession and so it's advisable not to alienate teams by taking away flexibility, but some will, and we all know the economy will generally slow in 2023."

About Fram Search

Established in 2010, Fram Search is a specialist financial services recruitment consultancy. We focus on mid-to-senior hires in the UK and internationally.

We provide high quality contingent and retained recruitment services to boutiques and global brands. We have long established relationships, outstanding market knowledge, and access to deep talent pools. Fram takes a highly consultative approach, combining outstanding tech with a human approach. We are proud that our contingent fill rate is nearly three times the industry average and we augment our retained search methodology with rigorous psychometric testing. We take ESG seriously, we are champions of diversity and all staff have undertaken unconscious bias training. We also carbon offset.

Please contact us on 01525 864 372 / [email protected] to learn more.

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