For senior sales professionals in asset management, it is common to be asked to present a business plan as part…
Are you a Paraplanner and interviewing for your dream job?
Fram Search works closely with wealth managers across the UK. What we hope to do here is to assist you…
Gayle Waller
Interview preparation has never been so competitive
We really appreciate at Fram that preparing for a job interview can be nerve-wracking and time-consuming. Whether you’re preparing for…
Simon Roderick
How you finish is as important as how you start
The world can be a very small place sometimes, and you never know when and where you will run into…
Simon Roderick
On the wisdom of accepting counter offers
In our experience most counter offered candidates are on the market again a year later. In fact, research shows that…
Beate Oera
How to write a perfect, winning CV!
A refresher before the looming hiring bonanza. The reality is a perfect CV doesn’t exist. If you ask ten experts…
Simon Roderick
“Any questions?” How to prepare questions for a job interview
At the end of the 99% of interviews, the interviewer says “do you have any questions for me?”. All candidates…
Simon Roderick
The asset management sales interview – what really matters?
We’ve outlined below some of the things we feel firms are interested in assessing when they interview candidates, but we…
Simon Roderick
Writing a business plan for a prospective employer
Writing business plans for a prospective employer are an increasingly common part of the interview process. Here is some advice…
Fram Search
Advice for jobhunting in a pandemic
In this video, Head of Operations Beate Oera gives some tips on jobhunting during the pandemic.…
Fram Search
How to write a good CV
In this video, MD Simon Roderick gives some advice on how to write a good CV.…
Fram Search
How to research for an interview
A successful interview is one you have researched. Not only will good research ensure you are prepared for the questions…